Research Title |
Name |
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Influence of Nano-Sized Powder Content on
Thermal Properties of Waste Refractory Brick |
Dr. NabileHassine
Hana Jamhour |
Viscous Fluid Flow around an Elliptic
Cylinder using Finite Element Method |
Zinab M. Maatoug
Bashir W. Sharif |
Convective Cooling of Volumetrically Heated
Block in A channel |
Dr. Elhassen A. Omera
Dr. Khalifa M. ALraqiq |
The relation between wrinkling and thickness
variation in multi-point forming: Numerical
simulation and Experimental verification |
Dr. Mohamed Abosaf
Dr. Ali Alghawail
Dr. Duc Pham |
Measurement of Free Volume in Silicon-Cycloester
Segmented Copolymer using Positron
Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy |
Omar Sultan
Mohamed Sweed |
Reservoir Efficiency Of Hawaz Formation,H
Oil Field, Concession NC186, NW Murzuq
Basin, SW Libya |
Dr. Adel A.Kushlaf |
L e rôle de Stendhal1 dans le développement
du théâtreromantique
français |
Dr. Ali M. Tarmal |